
How to Install and Configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7

PhpMyadmin is used to administrate MySQL server. It is an open source tool. Using phpMyAdmin you can perform administration task such as creating, editing, or deleting databases and managing users permission. You can also export or import your database or table. It provides a graphical user interface to perform these task. It helps to developer to perform database related task.

In this article I will show you how to install and configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7.

Install and Configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7

First of all you have to login into your server as a root user. secondly LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP must be installed on your Linux system. You can installed LAMP stack on your system following my previous article.

Now follow the below steps to install and configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7.

Download and Install EPEL Repository

phpMyAdmin is the part of the extra package to download and install it you will need to install Enterprise Linux (EPEL ). Follow the below link to install EPEL repository on your system.

Install phpMyAdmin

After installing and enabling EPEL repository make sure your system must be up to date before installing any third party package. Follow the below command to update the system,

# yum update -y

Now install phpMyAdmin typing below command:

# yum -y install phpmyadmin

phpMyAdmin Basic Configuration

After installing phpMyAdmin on your system you should lock down access to a specific IP address to secure it. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf. By default the configuration for phpMyAdmin only allows access from localhost on which it is installed. For example my remote IP is

     # Apache 2.4
      Require ip
      Require ip
      Require ip ::1
     # Apache 2.2
     Order Deny,Allow
     Deny from All
     Allow from
     Allow from
     Allow from ::1

Find your IP Address and that will be connecting to phpMyAdmin remotely.

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Santosh Prasad

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